HSK Trias wielrenners

HSK Trias wielrenners

6:43 PM on Monday, April 25, 2022 • Edited

What is Lactate and Lactate Threshold (6 mMol/l ) - Z2 improves lactate clearance capacity

“Zone 2 (Z2) has shown to be the training zone eliciting the best results to improve lactate clearance capacity.”

Tijdens hevige inspanningen kan de concentratie lactaatzuur tot wel 20 mMol/l oplopen. Op dat moment zijn ook de minder actieve spieren niet meer in staat om lactaatzuur ‘te bufferen’ of ‘op te vreten’. Het niveau waarbij er geen lactaatzuur meer omgezet kan worden, wordt wel de anaerobe drempel of lactaatdrempel genoemd. Dit is grofweg het moment waarop de energievoorziening met zuurstof overgaat op de energievoorziening zonder zuurstof (ongeveer 2-6 mMol/l – afhankelijk van de getraindheid). 6 mMol/l is de threshold voor aerobe effect van mitochondria capacity training, harder trainen zorgt voor extra verzuring maar geen beter resultaat.

So many athletes come to our lab without knowing these concepts and train too much at “lactate threshold” and by identifying their specific training zones we turn their training programs completely upside and we constantly see very important improvements in their lactate clearance capacity and performance while at the same time we significantly decrease the cases of overtraining.

Endurance training (Zone 2) has the purpose of improving lactate clearance capacity by increasing the number of mitochondria to clear lactate mainly in slow twitch muscle fibers as well as by increasing the number of MCT-1 and mLDH. Both high intensity and endurance training increases the number of MCT-4 to increase lactate transport away from fast twitch fibers.

As shown in table-1 lactate is probably the parameter that discriminates the most between different levels of athletic performance. Lactate analysis can give us a lot of information on muscle metabolism during exercise, where we can indirectly assess mitochondria density, oxidative and substrate utilization status or muscle fiber recruitment patterns.


Lactate Scout 4 Lactate Analyzer for athletes used by Annemiek van Vleuten